Alerting via webhook
Highlight can send outbound alerts via a webhook, enabling easier integration with service management tools and other systems. Typically you will only be setting up this type of alerting if you are an administrator or engineer responsible for interconnecting a number of separate platforms.
Alert Setup
In the Create Alert dialog box (example below) two specific fields for setting up webhook alerts are:

- Method
- Webhook
- Send to
- Enter a URL generated by the webhook receiver (required field)
- Is available for webhook alerts only and sends a sample webhook (see next section) to the URL
Connected - Testing confirms the URL is valid
Cannot connect - Shown if the URL is not valid, for possible reasons refer to Troubleshooting webhook alerts

- Notify on failure
- Shows your email address by default but can be changed. Separate multiple addresses with commas.
If there's a problem with a webhook, Highlight sends an email to this address with this information:- Subject: Webhook endpoint temporarily disabled
- Webhook name
- Webhook ID
- Webhook URL
- Link to webhook
- Reason for failure
- On save, a unique ID number is created for each alert allowing you to track who made changes to an alert. The ID is visible in the alerting table, when editing an alert and in Reporting Audit Log as the item name.
When saving a webhook alert, a test of the Send to URL is performed. This test must be successful to save the alert.
Refer to the alerting page for details on all other fields in the create/edit dialog.
Webhook output format
Webhook alerts contain the information shown below. Note: This is a sample designed to show all possible fields but not a realistic webhook.
"activeLinkedSites": 2,
"alertIds": "297402",
"alertLinkUrl": ","
"alertNames": "Cellular Alert",
"alertSummary": "KFV Services - Red Alert Raised - LinkHealthADSL (HO-Secondary)",
"broadbandDownstreamSpeedKbps": "5272",
"broadbandAlertThresholdKbps": "2048",
"cellularSignalStrength": "3.2",
"cellularSignalThreshold": "3.8",
"colour": "Red",
"criticalPort": 1,
"criticalSlot": 2,
"deviceAddress": "",
"direction": "Up"
"downLinkedSites": false,
"folder": "KFV Services >> DataCentre",
"fuelGaugeValue": 110,
"hasCriticalPortInfo": true,
"hasStabilityIssue": true,
"isBroadbandSpeedAlert": false,
"isSiteLink": true,
"isTunnel": true,
"isWirelessAccessPoint": false,
"level3Metric": "Stability",
"level2Metric": "LinkStability",
"linkUrl": "",
"locationName": "Head Office",
"metricDescription": "Link Stability"
"metricValue": 120,
"portInterfaceAlias": "Link to SG500-28",
"portInterfaceName": "GigabitEthernet1/0/44",
"problem": "Link-Availability - Red alert raised",
"referenceText": "1067504-1718672",
"siteLinksUp": 1,
"stabilityIssueCode": "#DRP",
"stabilityIssueDescription": "Device restarted powered off/on",
"text": "KFV Services - Red Alert Raised - LinkHealthADSL (HO-Secondary)",
"timeStampAtWatchLocation": "2020-02-14T12:23:26.4304015+02:00",
"timeStampUtc": "2020-02-14T10:23:26.4304015Z",
"totalLinkedSites": 1,
"tunnelTrafficLoadPercent": 90,
"tunnelTrafficLoadThresholdPercent": 82,
"wapLocation": "WapLocation",
"wapSerialNumber": "WapSerialNumber",
"watchName": "HO-Secondary",
"watchTypeName": "WatchTypeName"
Additional information on webhook fields:
Field ID | Example contents | Notes |
activeLinkedSites | 2 | integer |
alertIds | 297402 | integer |
alertLinkUrl | | string URL link to the alert in Highlight, users can follow for direct access |
alertNames | Cellular Alert | may be empty, otherwise string |
alertSummary | KFV Services - Red Alert Raised - LinkHealthADSL (HO-Secondary) | combined string showing Location - Colour Raised/Cleared - Watch Name |
broadbandDownstreamSpeedKbps | 5272 | always empty if IsBroadbandSpeedAlert is false, otherwise integer |
broadbandAlertThresholdKbps | 2048 | always empty if IsBroadbandSpeedAlert is false, otherwise integer |
cellularSignalStrength | 3.2 | always empty if IsCellular is false, otherwise decimal |
cellularSignalThreshold | 3.5 | always empty if IsCellular is false, otherwise decimal |
colour | Red | red, amber or green |
criticalPort | 2 | integer, this field only appears if a value has been set |
criticalSlot | 2 | integer, this field only appears if a value has been set |
deviceAddress | | IP address |
direction | up | up (active) or down (inactive) |
downLinkedSites | false | boolean: true if watch is a site link and down |
folder | KFV Services » DataCentre | path with “»” as separator |
fuelGaugeValue | 110 | interger |
hasCriticalPortInfo | true | boolean: true or false |
hasStabilityIssue | true | boolean: true or false |
isBroadbandSpeedAlert | false | boolean: true or false |
isSiteLink | true | boolean: true or false |
isTunnel | true | boolean: true or false |
isWirelessAccessPoint | false | boolean: true or false |
level3Metric | Stability | stability, load or health |
level2Metric | Link Stability | see Problem text in alerts for examples |
linkUrl | https: // | string URL link to watch in Highlight, users can follow for direct access |
locationName | Head Office | string |
metricDescription | Link Stability | string |
metricValue | 120 | integer |
portInterfaceAlias | Link to SG500-28 | string |
portInterfaceNamw | GigabitEthernet1/0/44 | string |
problem | Link-Availability - Red alert raised | string |
referenceText | 1067504-1718672 | string |
siteLinksUp | 1 | the number of site links in the same location still up, set to null if the watch is not a site link |
stabilityIssueCode | #DRP | can be empty, see full list of stability issue codes |
stabilityIssueDescription | Device restarted powered off/on | can be empty, see full list of stability issue descriptions |
text | KFV Services - Red Alert Raised - LinkHealthADSL (HO-Secondary) | combined string showing Location - Colour Raised/Cleared - Watch Name (same as alertSummary) |
timeStampAtWatchLocation | 2020-02-14T12: 23: 26.4304015+02: 00 | (Date) YYYY-MM-DD T (Time) HH:MM:SS.sssssss + offset from UTC in HH:MM |
timeStampUtc | 2020-02-14T10: 23: 26.4304015+00: 00 | (Date) YYYY-MM-DD T (Time) HH:MM:SS.sssssss Z |
totaLinkedSites | 1 | integer |
tunnelTrafficLoadPercent | 90 | integer - percentage |
tunnelTrafficLoadThresholdPercent | 82 | integer - percentage - fixed value |
wapLocation | WapLocation | string, always empty if IsWirelessAccessPoint is false |
wapSerialNumber | WapSerialNumber | string, always empty if IsWirelessAccessPoint is false |
watchName | HO-Secondary | string |
watchTypeName | WatchTypeName | string |